Kick off your shoes and come out....

Santa Barbara is a treasure trove of places to remove your shoes, stretch out your toes and engage your primal technology. The purpose of this site is to document my newfound pursuit of the barefoot athletic experience and engage others to share and or try the same

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

O.k. so my feet are sore...

It turns out I miscalculated the milage on the last few days (I went a little further than I thought). This might explain why my feet were pretty sore today (or maybe it was the asphalt). Since I started reading the post on the minimalist runners group run by Barefoot Ted, I see that some people have problems withe TMTS (too much too soon). This inspired me to dial it down a little this evening. Sunset in the surf is hard to beat. The tide was exceptionally high and the splashing my way a couple miles through the incoming swell gave me a pretty good workout. The sand crabs are feeding like crazy and you can feel their little sharp faces poke your feet when you hit the tide just right. A nice float in the ocean to cool down is a great reward.

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